Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Summer Rolls ^__^

Best appertizing food ever!!! Summer roll is quite popular around the world because it's so simply yet so delicious. It's very light and extremely tasty. If you haven't try them, you are in for absolute treat. Summer roll consist of crunchy raw vegetables, soft aromatic leaves and cool vermicelli wrapped in rice paper. There's 2 choice of dipping sauce it's the light vinaigrette fish sauce or the peanut sauce, which is what I prefer. It's also available with chicken, pork, tofu, of prawns. These rolls are considered to be a very popular appetizer among customers in Vietnamese restaurants.


  1. I've eaten spring rolls and egg rolls, but never ate summer rolls before. Might try it the next time I go to a Vietnamese restaurant.

  2. Yum! This is my absolute favorite appetizer! I like these better than the spring rolls. I personally enjoy eating summer rolls with the peanut sauce. Every time we eat Vietnamese food, I have to order these yummy things...drool.

  3. Yummy I love summer rolls its one of my favorite appetizers. I swear this dish is perfect I donk know why but it just is haha.
